Friday, March 9, 2012

Teen Suicide.

Sorry I haven't been on here for a while..I didn't know what to write about until yesterdayy. So, a freshman at my school passed away on Tuesday. Rumors are flying around, and a lot of them are that he committed suicide. It's truly a tragedy. But I just want to give some advice and let everyone know that there is NEVER one option. What most people don't realize is that this doesn't just affect your parents or family. It affects your school, your friends,  even your whole town. I didn't know this boy personally, but I feel absolutely horrible for his family. So may you rest in peace Devin.
Okay so here are some facts about teen suicide. Some things that could cause it are..:
1. Divorced parents
2. Violence in the home
3. Not being able to find success in school
4. Being bullied
5. Feelings of worthlessness
6. Rejection
7. Substance abuse
8. Death of someone close

Hints of someone considering suicide:
1. Talks about death or suicide, even if it's jokingly. Either way, it's extremely serious
2. Plans ways to kill his or herself
3. Expresses worries that no one cares
4. Has attempted suicide in the past
5. Dramatic changes in personality and behavior
6. Withdraws from friends and family
7. Shows signs of depression
8. Shows signs of substance abuse problem
9. Acts recklessly
10. Begins to give away sentimental possessions

This is a huge issue that needs to be addressed. So if you notice ANY of these signs, please tell someone. Don't think about whether or not that person will hate you or whatever, just do the right thing. You could possibly save someones life. In school, there are usually counselors there all the time. Go talk to one if you know someone who acts like this. They might be able to help. After a counselor speaks with him or her, they would decide if they need further help and from there, they would probably go get better help or even be put in some type of facility. These people need help and it seems like no one is willing to step up. Put others before yourself in these types of situations..

1 comment:

  1. Very good post ash!! I agree.. So sad when someone takes their own life. These people need help desperately :( Heidi
