Friday, March 23, 2012


I'm pretty sure that we all know what anorexia means, but for those of you who don't, it basically means severely starving yourself. Girls, many of you may turn to starving yourself for weight loss, but trust me, it is NOT worth it. This may be the cause of many other health problems such as:
1. Heart problems
2. Osteoporosis (thinning of bone tissue)
3. Mental health issues
4. Slowing of the heart rate
5. Low blood pressure
6. Irregular heart rhythms
7. Heart failure
8. Death

Signs of anorexia may include:
1. Eating only safe foods usually very low in calories and fat
2. Doing wierd things such as cutting food into little pieces
3. Spending more time playing with it than eating it
4. Cooking meals for others but not eating
5. Compulsive exercsing
6. Dressing in layers to hide weight loss
7. Becoming isolated from friends and family
Horrible right?

1 comment:

  1. very good info/education, Ashlyn! Keep up the blogging! baf
