Friday, April 20, 2012

Hardships of HIGH SCHOOL

High school..It could be the best four years of your life or the worst. I guess it just depends on how you view it. For example, if you wake up every morning telling yourself that the day ahead of you is going to be horrible and that school sucks, yeah, that'll probably be the outcome. But if you just let the good things outweigh the bad, then school will go good. For me personally, I cannot WAIT till school's over!! But, I don't dread going to school everyday. Yeah, there's always those days when school's the last place you wanna be and whatever, but that's just normal (for most people). I have no problem getting up and going to school five days a week. I mean, what's there to complain about? I'm getting a FREE education that'll eventually make me some money, I have lots of friends that I see everyday, and I'm overall surrounded by cool people. Soo since the school year is almost coming to an end and the days just seem to drag on as the end gets closer, here's some tips on how to get through the rest of the year :)
1. Don't be like, "Ughh school sucks, I hate school, I hate my life, I wish school was never invented, gosh it's so early, why do I have to be up this early, I hate school, my life suks right now." Haha no, with that attitude your life will suck.
2. Look forward to seeing your friends
3. Avoid drama (very important), it's pointless if you think about it
4. Surround yourself with fun and positive people
5. Don't slack since it's the end of the year, school's still as important as it was in the beginning of the year
6. Have fun with school. Don't get into trouble, do what your teachers says and assigns, and just get those things over with
7. Stop procrastinating. It took me all year to not do that :)
8. Don't get involved with other people's drama
9. Don't form enemies and alliances
10. Be respectful and nice to the people who you aren't so cool with
11. Get away from the people who bring you down
12. Join a club or sport!!! I'm in FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America) and it made my year go by sooo much faster
13. Don't dread going to school just because you have to see someone you don't like or whatever, those people shouldn't even matter
14. Just be happy and stop focusing on the negative things in life
15. Expand your friendships. Don't just have one "group," go to others
16. Make as many friends as possible
17. Just do your own thing
18. Don't care what other people think of you. As long as you're happy and you're having a good time, it shouldn't really matter what people think
19. Spend quality time with people who might be moving, graduating, etc.
20. And last, think about how SHORTLY school will be over instead of how much longerr you have to be in school
Personally, I get really involved with school and I actually look forward to going everyday. I don't waste my time dreading every moment left of the year. I study up, acheive my last goals of the year, and just make it the best that it can be. That right there is how to make school a more pleasant experience :) Good luck and keep your head up!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Teen Pregnancy

A pretty good friend of mine pointed out something very true. It went a little something like this:
Guys: Hey, you gonna get it in at prom??
My friend: Umm, no..? Why?
Guys: Why wouldn't you??
What my friend said was kind of amazing. He said:
Why would I do that and risk ruining her life? We have our whole lives ahead of us to do that. Either we will be together for a while and we'll get married, and that's when we'll decide to do it, OR we won't last, I'll meet a different girl, we'll get married and we'll do it then. What's the rush?
That is COMPLETELY true, and the sad thing is that most people disagree with him.
Here's some stats:
1. About 820,000 teens become pregnant each year
2. 4 in 10 teeange girls experienced their first intercourse at the age of 13 or 14 but report that it was unwanted and involuntary
3. The main rise of teen pregnancies is girls UNDER 15 years old
4. Only one-third of teen moms finish high school and get their diploma
5. 80% of teen moms end up on welfare
6. The daughters of teen moms are 22% more likely to become teen moms
7. 67% of teens who have had sex wish they would have waited

Well, some may ask "How can I prevent pregnancy?" It's a no-brainer. WAIT to have sex. What's the rush?? Trust me, it won't make you popular or make people like you more. And if you think it'll make your significant other happy or make them stay with you, ask yourself if they're really worth it. If you feel pressured, either have a talk or end the relationship. Plus, don't risk getting any type of disease, especially if you don't know one another that well. This is a HUGE issue, and even if you think you're fully protected if you do decide to do it, think again. You are never 100% protected. EVERRR. There is always that risk, so don't chance it.
-Ashlyn :)

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Hair Dying Tips :)

Okay so I did my moms hair last night because a lott of her gray was showing. I was a little nervous about doing it but it turned ou AWESOME. Here are some tips/steps of how to do a good job:
1. First, you will need your hair dye and whatever else it calls for in the directions. If you're getting your hair dye from like Sally's Beauty Supply or any other beauty store, everything will probably come separate so make sure you READ THE DIRECTIONS!! You will also need gloves (very important), some type of brush. You can get them at Sally's for like $1. Some type of clips. Metal ones work best for me. A brush, a comb, and a bowl that you can mix the dye in.

TIP #1: Before I dyed my hair about a month ago, I had some highlights coming through so I really wanted to cover them up once and for all. So I went to Sally's and I go this hair stripper. Its a little package of powder and you can get it for like $1. So just do what the directions say and that works REALLY good. It basically strips all of the waxes out of your hair so there isn't any type of layer blocking the color. But your hair will feel reallyy dry and stringy afterwards. but after you put that in, wash it out, wash your hair, and then dry it.

TIP #2: If you know you have lots of hairspray or like any heavy hair products in, go wash it out and then dry your hair. You want the color to saturate as much as possible.

2. Brush you hair!!! It makes everything soo much harder when your hair is all tangly.
3. Put gloves on
4. In a bowl, mix the hair dye and other ingredients. Mix with the coloring brush really well for at least a minute.

5. The easiest thing to do is to split your hiar into pieces. To start off, I put hair into four equal pieces. Start at the bottom, that's the easiest. So the picture is showing the top of the hair pinned up starting from where the top of the ear is. Then, I split that into two easy pieces. On the bottom, I cut the hair in half vertically.

TIP #3: My mom's hair is black, and I dyed it black just to cover up gray. But if you want to go from really light to dark or vice versa, I'd split the pieces of hair even smaller just to make sure you get EVERYTHING.

6. You want to apply the color starting from the roots and then go to about where the clip is in the picture. Safe the ends for last.

TIP #4: When you do the roots, make sure you lift the hair up and do it on the bottom as well as the top. Then you might want to take a little bit of dye on your fingers and massge it in. But don't waste too much of the dye.

7. So when you get to the top, you should probably split the hair into 4 pieces. There is a lot more hair to cover and there is more room for error.
8. Once again, start from the roots and work your way down. Be extra careful up here because this is what you always see, so triple check and make sure you got EVERYTHING.
9. After that piece, make sure you only put the dye about halfway down your hair. Then, start letting down other pieces in an order that you are most comfortable in.
10. Once all of the roots are finished, apply the dye to your bangs (if you have any).
11. With your brush, work the dye down your hair to the bottom. I usually just take a bunch on my hands (with gloves on!!) and just kinda massage it through, or put it in as if you are putting in conditioner or something.
12. So when you're done, make sure you check you got everywhereee. It never hurts to check more than two times. If you are applying the dye to someone else, look around by pulling random pieces of hair up and checking if the dye is everywhere. If you are doing it to yourself, I'd make sure I got it everywhere by taking the remaning dye in my hands and run it through my hair, focusing mainly on the top.
13. When I wait for it to dry, I take all of my hair, twist it, and pin it up.

What you don't want to happen..

 To avoid getting it on the skin (because it WILL stay) put lotion or Vaseline on your neck, ears, and top of forehead to avoid the dye completely dying your skin.

TIP #5: If you want your color to last, I would definitely buy some color protectant shampoo and conditioner. I use Ion Color Solutions and it works great! I would also think of getting some type of deep conditioner so your hair doesn't feel so dry. By the way, I use Clairol brand hair dye and it works really good (it's a gold box that you can get at Sally's or any other type of beauty supply store).
I wish you all the best of luck!!
-Ashlyn :)

Be A Successor!!

I just went on this AMAZING three day trip, and it taught me soo many things about myself that I never realized. Okay so I used to be super shy, I had 100% NO confidence or self esteem, and I always shot myself down. Orr, I never did the things I wanted because I was afraid of failure, rejection, embarrassment, etc. Now, I have completely transformed into this girl who isn't afraid of anything, and I get out there and do things I want and not even care what people think of me. Now I realize that all of that was a waste of time. I'm soo much happier now. I also never let fear get in my way. I let it motivate me :) Instead of doing a bunch of research, this is all from personal experience.
1. Think you're a failure
2. Let people make you think you're a failure
3. Let the thought of failure get in your way. Honestly, it's an even bigger failure if you don't go out there and try
4. Shoot yourself down or think what you want it stupid
5. Let what people think and other peoples opinions get in your way

Here's what you SHOULD do:
1. Make goals and ACHEIVE THEM (I did!)
2. Have more self esteem
3. Believe in yourself :)
4. Be around positive peoplee
5. Go outside of your personal barriers, it won't hurtt
6. Go forward and beyond at the things you love (I ammm)
7. Just do what YOU love and not what other people WANT you to do (It's your life, right)
8. Don't sell yourself short
9. Never say "I can't"
10. Don't think a lot about the bad things, make the best out of the good things :)
11. Just have FUN!!
-Ashlyn :)