A pretty good friend of mine pointed out something very true. It went a little something like this:
Guys: Hey, you gonna get it in at prom??
My friend: Umm, no..? Why?
Guys: Why wouldn't you??
What my friend said was kind of amazing. He said:
Why would I do that and risk ruining her life? We have our whole lives ahead of us to do that. Either we will be together for a while and we'll get married, and that's when we'll decide to do it, OR we won't last, I'll meet a different girl, we'll get married and we'll do it then. What's the rush?
That is COMPLETELY true, and the sad thing is that most people disagree with him.
Here's some stats:
1. About 820,000 teens become pregnant each year
2. 4 in 10 teeange girls experienced their first intercourse at the age of 13 or 14 but report that it was unwanted and involuntary
3. The main rise of teen pregnancies is girls UNDER 15 years old
4. Only one-third of teen moms finish high school and get their diploma
5. 80% of teen moms end up on welfare
6. The daughters of teen moms are 22% more likely to become teen moms
7. 67% of teens who have had sex wish they would have waited
Well, some may ask "How can I prevent pregnancy?" It's a no-brainer. WAIT to have sex. What's the rush?? Trust me, it won't make you popular or make people like you more. And if you think it'll make your significant other happy or make them stay with you, ask yourself if they're really worth it. If you feel pressured, either have a talk or end the relationship. Plus, don't risk getting any type of disease, especially if you don't know one another that well. This is a HUGE issue, and even if you think you're fully protected if you do decide to do it, think again. You are never 100% protected. EVERRR. There is always that risk, so don't chance it.
-Ashlyn :)
It's so true! And pregnancy isn't the only negative.... self esteem, bad reputation, and STD's. So many girls are getting HPV, an STD that can go undetected and cause cancer later in life. SO scary. Just not worth it to do it before you're prepared for the consequences.