So very recently, my bestfriend got in a fight with her boyfriend and they broke up. I know, terribly sad. I think I know a thing or two about relationships..So here it goes!
Uno. If you don't know him, DONT go out with him in the first place! You're making it a lot harder than it should be.
2. DO NOT spare his feelings. As much as it sucks to hurt a guy, you're own feelings should be much more important.
3. Don't let him influence you. You have your interests and he has his. Chances are he liked you for that in the first place. Don't follow in his footsteps if it'll lead down to a bad path (drugs, sex, etc.)
4. DO NOT LET HIM WALK ALL OVER YOU. If you let him do it once, he'll take advantage of you letting him get away with everything. As much as you want to believe it, guys are not perfect.
5. If he cheats, make sure it won't happen again. DUMP HIM.
6. Most importantly, don't let him pressure you. You know exactly what I mean by this, and being a girl is hard. Just think, one stupid mistake can ruin your life. So don't even chance it, he'll live.
7. Don't do whatever he asks just cause he begs. Who cares?! Do what YOU wanna do.
8. Just cause you have a man in your life, doesnt mean he's the only person in your life. Dont ditch your friends and stay true to the ones you really love. Trust me, I've been down that path.
9. Don't be afraid to say NO!
& 10. Don't let guys be the main source of your pain. If you're not happy, just end the relationship before it gets serious. Think about yourself and spend some true time with the girls. Also, have talks with your mom. She knows a lot more than you think..
-Ashlyn :)
very good advice on these topics! Baf